Automatically lower Music (Avid)

There's nothing worse in an Avid than importing music, forgetting​ to adjust it's gain downward...and hitting play, only to be deafened by the music.

Unless you know this trick:​

​Import Dialog box

​Import Dialog box

​The Import Dialog box has a TAB​ marked audio. Adjust the "Apply attenuation" gain during import.

All your imported audio will now be gained downwards by -20db - meaning, no more music pain!​

Avid tips like this will be in sessions at NAB/Post Production World! Come join us!

Jeff Greenberg
This is my really short bio. Once upon a time, I was a premed student who foolishly took a film class (and I was over 25 at the time!) I now teach the technologies involved in film/video. Feel free to ask me anything you'd like!

Most compression tools have the ability to set I/O points


Nobody needs the work area bar (Premiere)